Friday, November 8, 2013

'Justice League' Rumors: Wonder Woman, The Flash To Join 'Batman vs. Superman'

While Marvel has been announcing TV shows left and right, DC and Warner Brothers have been remarkably tight lipped on the theatrical front. Back in July at San Diego Comic-Con the studio announced the highly anticipated "Batman vs. Superman," followed by the controversial announcement that Ben Affleck would be playing The Dark Knight in the movie. But since then? Other than a steady trickle of smaller TV announcements, nothing.

But if we're reading the tea leaves correctly, that's all about to change, and possibly even as soon as this weekend:

Wonder Woman

Rumors began flying fast and furious when actress Jaimie Alexander (who plays Sif in this weekend's "Thor: The Dark World") strongly implied she had taken meetings with Warner Brothers about "Batman vs. Superman." Alexander has stated on multiple occasions in the past that she's interested in playing Wonder Woman, which added even more fuel to the fire. And in fact, when MTV News approached her on the red carpet for "Thor: The Dark World" and asked her point blank about the part, the actress didn't turn down the idea. At all. More on that next week.

This particular rumor gained even more traction when Variety posted a rumor heavy report listing the following actresses as up for a part in "Batman vs. Superman:" Gal Gadot ("Fast & Furious 6"), Elodie Yung ("G.I. Joe: Retaliation"), Olga Kurylenko ("Quantum of Solace"), and once again Jaimie Alexander. The casting description of the part?

"Tall, brunette, athletic and exotic"

Which, as the report specifies, could describe Wonder Woman, but it could also just as easily describe any number of girlfriends Bruce Wayne has had over the years. Still, the inclusion of Alexander, and given her reticence with speaking about the news seems to indicate something is up.

The Flash

The report on Variety continues that, "Insiders believe the plan is to have not just Batman and Superman in the film but several members of the Justice League as well. It's unclear which members, but Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) and the Flash are said to be locks to make an appearance in some fashion, whether that's a significant role or a cameo."

That actually gibes with a much older rumor, which hit well before the "Batman vs. Superman" announcement at Comic-Con. That rumor stated that WB would be announcing a thought out Justice League plan, including a Superman sequel, a new Batman movie, a Flash movie, and "Justice League" itself.

It didn't pan out that way (only "Batman vs. Superman" was announced), and to throw a little more cold water on the idea, soon after The CW announced they would be developing a spin-off of "Arrow" focusing on super-speedster, The Flash. "Glee" actor Grant Gustin was cast in the role, and will be appearing as The Flash's alter-ego Barry Allen before the end of the year. Whether Gustin would appear in a theatrical role as well, or WB would go ahead and cast a second Flash is unknown.

Green Arrow

Speaking of the TV versions of characters, and to further confuse things: TV's Green Arrow, Stephen Amell sent fans into a tizzy on November 6th when he posted a classic comic book cover featuring Green Arrow joining The Justice League... Without comment. Given the context and timing, fans speculated that "Arrow" would either be officially recognized as part of the DC Cinematic Universe, a la "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." for the Marvel Cinematic Universe; or that Amell could be hinting he'll be showing up as Arrow in a Justice League movie.


But that's not all! Over at Latino Review, their sources suggested that Batman's former sidekick Nightwing (a grown up version of Robin) could be showing up in "Batman vs. Superman," at odds with Batman after not speaking to him for a long time. Whether this would be the version of the character even older rumors had pegged to be played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt post "The Dark Knight Rises" is unknown.


And one more before we wrap this all up: award-winning DC Comics' artist Jock posted a picture on his Instagram feed showing a drawing of Superman, Batgirl, Batman, and Wonder Woman. When asked about what the picture was for on Twitter, the artist said, "ah, a WB thing." He later clarified that this wasn't for "Batman vs. Superman," but if not that, then what? It could certainly be for "Justice League," if not "Batman vs. Superman." And why would Jock be drawing Batman's other sidekick? Could Batgirl be joining this ever expanding cast, too?

Find Out Saturday

All of these rumors seem to be heating up both in reaction to the amount of Marvel news, and just due to lack of real information on DC's movie slate from the studio. That may change this weekend though, as Kevin Smith hosts an online fan chat with "Man of Steel" stars Henry Cavill and Amy Adams, and Director Zack Snyder. The cast and crew, according to the invite, will talk about the blockbuster movie, but also, "What the future holds for the Last Son of Krypton."

So does the future hold Wonder Woman? The Flash? Will we get to see a first teaser trailer, based on footage shot at a recent football game? Or just concept art of Batfleck? Chances are something is coming our way this weekend, and MTV News will be there to find out what.

"Batman vs. Superman" hits theaters on July 17th, 2015.



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