The controversial reboot of the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" franchise has set a release date. On August 8, 2014, you'll be able to find out just how intact your childhood will stay.
Also, watch a super rare TV movie written by Cormac McCarthy in today's Dailies!
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" will open on August 8, 2014. [Deadline]
Watch "The Gardener's Son," a 1976 PBS film written by Cormac McCarthy. [The Playlist]
New images from "Oldboy" [Collider]
Four takeaways from the summer movie season (Spoiler: expect more sequels) [Vulture]
Welcome to the Dailies, where the MTV Movies team runs down all the film and television news, odds and ends that are fit to print! From awesome fan art to obscure casting news, this is your place to feast on all the movie leftovers you didn't know you were hungry for.
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