Game industry network TIGA has opened entries for its third annual awards, aimed at recognising achievements in creativity and technical innovation throughout the UK across big and small companies alike.
This year’s awards feature a total of 31 categories and include Edge/TIGA’s Game Of The Year, which will be chosen by the UK development community via a public vote, and a Special Recognition award. New categories for this year include the TIGA Accessibility Award, Best Game Engine, Middleware, Tools and Technology, and Best In-House Studio.
This year also marks the introduction of a Best Independent Studio category, recognising the continued rise of indie production. “For the first time, micro studios now make up the majority of our industry,” says TIGA CEO Richard Wilson, “so it is essential that we not only ensure the achievements of these and other smaller games businesses receive the recognition they deserve, but that we encourage and reward best practice in business.”
The full list of this year’s categories is below. For more information, and to submit entries, click here. Entry deadline is September 19.
TIGA will be providing updates on the awards via Twitter, and the award ceremony itself will be held at London’s OXO2 on November 6.
2014 TIGA Awards categories
Game categories (free to enter and open to all)
- Best Action/Adventure Game (Separate awards for small and larger studios)
- Best Arcade Game (Separate awards for small and larger studios)
- Best Casual Game (Separate awards for small and larger studios)
- Best Social Game (Separate awards for small and larger studios)
- Best Game With A Purpose (Separate awards for small and larger studios)
- Best Student Game
- Best Debut Game
- Most Original Game
- Best Marketing Campaign
- Accessibility Award
Business of Games Categories (free to enter and open to TIGA members only)
- Outstanding Leadership Award
- Best Publisher
- Best Independent Studio
- Best In-House Studio
- Best Art Supplier
- Best Audio Supplier
- Best Animation Supplier
- Best Recruitment Agency
- Best Accountancy Firm
- Best Legal Services Firm
- Best QA Provider
- Best Educational Institution
- Best Education Initiative
- Best Start-up
- Best Game Engines, Middleware, Tools and Technology (Separate awards for small and larger businesses)
-Best New IP
- Best Visual Design
- Best Game Design
- Best Audio Design
Special Awards (not open for entry)
- Special Recognition Award
- TIGA & Edge Game Of The Year Award (chosen by the UK development community in a public vote)
The post TIGA’s 2014 game industry awards open appeared first on Edge Online.
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