"Prince Avalanche," the new movie from writer-director David Gordon Green, follows two road workers, played by Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch, as they repaint a strip of highway after a forest fire ravaged the area. It's a small, quirky comedy that gives Rudd a lot of time to be alone on camera in the wilderness.
When MTV News' Josh Horowitz sat down with Rudd to talk about "Prince Avalanche," the actor said that he doesn't mind being by himself and that — if he's being completely honest — he wishes he had more.
To do what, you might ask?
Frankly, you probably shouldn't ask because that just gives Rudd the opportunity to start talking about his Shake Weight routines... at least that's what we think he's talking about.
"Prince Avalanche" opens in limited release on August 9.
via http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2013/08/08/paul-rudd-prince-avalanche-interview/
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