"Thor: The Dark World" is still more than two weeks away, but thanks to an early premiere date in the UK, reviews have already made their way across the pond, signaling what appears to be another win for Marvel Studios.
Though many critics are divided on whether the continuing adventures of Thor, Loki and Jane Foster are fun or too fluffy, but few of the early reviews are calling the brand's consistency into question, meaning if you're a fan of the character, you're all set.
Here is what the early reviews are saying about "Thor: The Dark World."
Loki Rulez
"Nobody gives good sneer like Tom Hiddleston, back once again in the pleather leggings and goat-horned helmet to play bad guy Loki in Thor: The Dark World and pretty much steal the whole show. Amiable hunk Chris Hemsworth may play the title character in this subset of Marvel's meta-Avengers franchise, but this well-intentioned 'witless oaf,' as his evil foster brother describes him at one point, is practically a guest at his own party here, as scads of new characters and millions of dollars worth of CGI crowd the screen. Most of it pales into insignificance when Loki takes the stage, which isn't often enough given how wildly uneven the sections without him are." — Leslie Felperin, The Hollywood Reporter
But Thor Is Good Too
"Unlike so many of the current crop of big-screen heroes, Thor doesn't really get to have much of a sense of humor or of self-doubt, but Hemsworth manages to make this old-school, square-jawed titan fun and relatable. Whether he's reuniting with Jane (after having been pining for her since the last movie) or tumbling through and atop some of London's oldest and newest edifices, this is a guy who knows how to hold our attention." — Alonso Duralde, The Wrap
Hanging Out on Asgard
"The fact that much of the action plays out in Asgard and other far-flung dimensions makes for an enlivening change of scenery at the very least, even if the film's formula of destructive mayhem plus tongue-in-cheek humor remains pure essence of Marvel.... It's largely a pleasure to spend time there with Thor and Jane, who looks especially charming clad in the finery of the realm. It's in this otherworldly kingdom — variously influenced by Norse mythology, brutalist architecture and Mandalay Bay — that director Taylor delivers his most compelling setpieces, starting with the Dark Elves' deadly assault on Odin's palace and culminating in a rather stunningly beautiful mass funeral sequence." — Justin Chang, Variety
Post-Credits Scenes (No Spoilers)
"Fans of post-credits stings rejoice. For 'Thor: The Dark World' boasts not one, not three, but two of the suckers, with one coming right at the end, so you even have time to nip out for a loo break before rushing back to catch it. However, we don't recommend that you show up right at the end. Come for the stings, stick around for the previous 100 minutes of people talking and fighting and whatnot, and you'll be rewarded with a thrilling, and often surprisingly funny, reminder that, following 'Avengers' and 'Iron Man 3,' nobody is better than Marvel at this blockbuster business right now." — Chris Hewitt, Empire
"Thor: The Dark World" opens in theaters on November 8 in the U.S.
Source http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1716049/thor-the-dark-world-early-movie-reviews.jhtml
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