Of all the things that last forever — cockroaches, Twinkies, polystyrene — vampires have got to be the sexiest of the bunch. One of the many reasons we were so bloody excited to celebrate the release of the 12-disc "Twilight Forever: The Complete Saga" DVD collection with stars Peter Facinelli, Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone at the Planet Hollywood Times Square on Monday (November 4).
In keeping with the theme of the night, we were curious to know how long it had been since the trio has watched a "Twilight" movie.
"The last time I watched a 'Twilight' movie was probably at the premiere of 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2,' " Facinelli admitted.
In other words, if you're looking for the perfect present for Facinelli, it may just be a copy of "Twilight Forever" to refresh his memory. Co-star Reed copped to a more recent run-in with the film franchise based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling books.
"I'm always working during the premieres," Reed bemoaned. "I watched the first 'Twilight' because it was on TV the other night, so I was just flipping through the channels. It's exciting because I don't remember what happens."
And then there was Rathbone, who we're not entirely sure has ever seen any of the films.
"There are movies?" he joked. "I read all the books."
After Reed suggested a "Twilight" marathon at Rathbone's house, the cast revealed which of the films is their favorite.
"I like the third one because I got to do action in it," Facinelli said, referring to "Eclipse." "Carlisle really doesn't get to run around and do damage to people, but in the third one, he did. He's very compassionate, so after I killed someone, I always said 'sorry' in my head."
"I think you liked the third one because you got to explore Jasper and Rosalie's backstory," Reed interjected.
"Did you have a backstory in that?" Facinelli coyly asked.
"Twilight Forever" is available now on DVD and Blu-ray, while the "Twilight Forever" Fan Experience at Planet Hollywood Times Square, featuring memorabilia from the blockbuster film franchise, will run through the end of the year.
Source http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1716864/twilight-forever-nikki-reed-jackson-rathbone.jhtml
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