Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jake Gyllenhaal Plays Bad Cop In Exclusive 'Prisoners' Clip

Yesterday, we debuted an exclusive clip from "Prisoners" starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a part of our Fall Movie Preview, but it is certainly worth another look.

In "Prisoners," Gyllenhaal plays Detective Loki, the man charged with finding two missing girls, one of whom belongs to the character played by Jackman. When a suspect (Paul Dano, as seen in the clip) is arrested and then released due to a lack of evidence, Jackman's character take the law into his own hands.

As we saw in the first trailer for "Prisoners" and now this clip, the crime drama looks to be a suspenseful trip through the worst nightmare of any parent.

Check out "Prisoners" when it opens in theaters on September 20.

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