Monday, September 16, 2013

'Breaking Bad': What Does Tonight's Episode Title Mean?

Congratulations! You have survived the week after that killer "Breaking Bad" cliffhanger, and soon you will be rewarded with another maddeningly suspenseful hour of television.

But before you sit down to find out how the chips fell at the gunfight at To'hajiilee, let's do a quick recap on the questions we still need answered before the remaining three episodes of "Breaking Bad" come to an end.

Who is dead?

Considering how awful the aiming was during what we saw of the shootout, this seems to be a more pertinent question than "Who is alive?" Around the web, the general consensus is the Gomey is the only one that's a guaranteed goner, but others have to go with him. Who on the side of the white supremacists got a lethal dosage of Schraderbrau? If it was Todd, that certainly spells more trouble for everyone since Jack and Lydia will be out a cook.

What Does "Ozymandias" Mean?

The episode's title, recognizable to anyone who has read Alan Moore's "Watchmen," refers to a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley about the fallen statue of an Egyptian king, which Bryan Cranston read for one of this season's promos. (It's probably the best way to experience any poem.) The sonnet tells of the inevitability that all powers faces. Like Ozymandias in the poem, even the powerful Heisenberg will fall. What remains to be seen is whether Walter experienced his fall at the hands of Hank last week or if the fall is coming tonight. We'd bet on the latter.

Who Outs Walter?

With Gomey, Hank, and Jesse all caught in the middle of a fire fight right now, it leaves us wondering who will publicly out Walter as the great Heisenberg, leading to the abandoned and graffiti-covered house we saw at the beginning of "Blood Money." Even if all three of Walter's biggest enemies go down (though they probably won't), that still leaves Marie, who could still do some damage even if she doesn't have the power of the DEA on her side.

Where is Walter's family?

Though the spotlight is firmly on the shoot out right now, it's important to wonder exactly where Skylar, Walter Jr., and Holly are when the smoke settles. New Hampshire Walter didn't exactly look like a family man, but it's possible that he took his family on the run with him. If they are separated, what is it that causes Skylar to finally say no to Walter and his schemes?

Isn't anyone worried about Huell?

Seriously. Who is going to get that guy if Gomey and Hank die in the shootout? He could be in that hotel room forever.



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