Friday, October 25, 2013

'Batman: Arkham Origins' Easter Eggs Tease Next Big Superhero Games

Now that "Batman: Arkham Origins" has been on sale for all of a few hours, the obvious question is: What's next? Since the first "Arkham" game bowled over critics in 2009 — breaking the curse of actively terrible superhero video games and nearly reinventing the genre in the process — fans have been wondering why other games wouldn't follow suit.

MTV News took a look at some Easter Eggs in "Arkham Origins" (and read the tea leaves), and we've got a few ideas:

Green Arrow

On at least one of the missions in "Arkham Origins," Batman passes by a crate clearly marked "Queen Industries." Fans of DC Comics (and The CW's "Arrow") know this is the company run by Oliver Queen, a.k.a. Green Arrow. Whether we could see a game that mixes mythologies like the Arkham series, or one strictly based on the TV show, Green Arrow is uniquely suited for video games.

From his isolation and training on a remote island — perfect for those early stage "getting used to the controls" missions — to his eventual run as a vigilante in Star City (Starling City on TV), Arrow's training in hand-to-hand combat and bow use would work great on a console.

Suicide Squad

Spoiler for the end of "Arkham Origins": Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, is imprisoned in Blackgate Prison by Batman; locked in when the rest of the prisoners escape during a riot. In the bonus, post-credits scene, Deathstroke is forcibly employed by Amanda Waller, who readers of comics (and, again, viewers of TV's upcoming "Arrow") know runs an organization called the Suicide Squad.

The idea of the Suicide Squad is that villains are given a second chance, allowed to run deadly missions for the government with the promise they'll eventually be freed. Sure, this scene is probably just set-up for the playable Deathstroke missions in "Arkham Origins," but it's also a great set-up for a team game like "Suicide Squad." Heck, with Harley Quinn, Deathstroke, and Deadshot on the roster of Suicide Squad and in the game itself, the "Arkham" games could segue into a villain centric "Suicide Squad" game easily.


There have been tons of Superman video games over the years ... and pretty much all of them very bad. But with Warner Bros. proper figuring out how to successfully translate the "Dark Knight" aesthetic into "Man of Steel," couldn't we see something similar for a "Superman" game? "Arkham Origins" already has destruction on a massive scale, and Batman swings around the city by his Batclaw at super speeds: It's a small leap and a jump into flying, and the uber-destruction of a Superman/Zod battle in game form.

Wonder Woman

While we're at it, why not a Wonder Woman game? Though WW seems to be permanently stalled in the movie theater for numerous reasons, Diana's world is perfect video game fodder. Where movie audiences might balk at a mix of Greek mythology and war fighting heroics, gamers used to "God of War" and "Call of Duty" would surely go nuts for a game mashing up the two genres.


"Arkham Origins" is going to be huge. There's going to be another Batman game, no question about that. The question is, about what? Hopefully, with this thematic trilogy out of the way, WB Montreal will tackle some new aspect of Batman's life, though we're at a loss as to what. Maybe a globetrotting adventure versus the villainous Ra's al Ghul? Or perhaps a mix of all of the above ideas, showing Batman's first introduction to the Justice League? Regardless, you can expect another Batman game down the pike, and hopefully it's as good as the first three.

"Batman: Arkham Origins" is available in stores everywhere now.



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