Thursday, October 3, 2013

Spanish 'Breaking Bad' Is Real, And It's Spectacular

By Alex Zalben

Super-sad about the end of "Breaking Bad?" Good news, then, it's coming back! In Spanish! Really!

The Spanish language remake of "Breaking Bad" – titled "Metástasis" – was announced a few months ago, but now we finally have a look at the weird, mirror-universe version that is the final product.

Breaking Bad

First, there's the classic shot of Walter White in his tightie-whities, except with Diego Trujillo playing Walter Blanco. (No, we're not joking.)

Then, there's the cast breakdown, which kind of, maybe looks like a high school play version of "Breaking Bad?"


We're most curious about whether Jose Miguel Rosas ("Metástasis") will say "Perra!" a lot (that's "bitch" in Spanish, FYI), and if Cielo Blanco will get some weird plastic surgery between the first and second seasons of the show.

But easily the most surreal bit of all? The one that proves this isn't some sort of meth induced fever dream? There's a trailer:

No, your eyes don't deceive you: that's a school bus used for cookin', instead of the classic RV. Turns out most people in Latin America don't use RVs, so it wouldn't translate well, according to the producers.

Unlike, say, trying to translate a show intrinsically tied to themes of the American dream, Westerns, and the tensions between the North and Central American borders. That'll translate just fine.

There's currently no premiere date for "Metástasis," though it will show up on Univision soon.

Tags breaking bad



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