By Amelia Mularz
So your zero-gravity Sandra Bullock costume isn't exactly panning out. We've got a couple other movies that might inspire your Halloween wears. Here's what's playing this weekend:
On the Big Screen: "Carrie"
It's time for a whole new generation to develop illogical fears of tampons and high school dances. The new "Carrie" opens today, and it's got something big that the original didn't have. Social media.
This go-around the mean girls capture Carrie's menstrual nightmare on camera and the video goes viral. Age-old agonies are suddenly magnified when placed in the present day. Imagine if we revisited other Stephen King-created horrors and unleashed advanced technology on each of them. Give Cujo a blog so he can chronicle every moment of his rabid rampage. Let the clown from "It" terrorize children with Snapchat. See? So much scarier.
On the Boob Tube: "The Lost Boys"
Speaking of illogical fears, what kid from the 80s didn’t question Chinese food after seeing "The Lost Boys"? But to be fair, maybe the lesson was just don’t trust Keifer Sutherland around your takeout. "Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots."
See what teen vampires did decades before "Twilight." VH1 is showing "The Lost Boys" tonight at 8pm and tomorrow at 12:30pm.
From Your DVD Collection: "Carrie"
Of course you've gotta watch the original. John Travolta, in his "Welcome Back, Kotter" era, even makes an appearance. Back in 1976 Sissy Spacek didn't have Facebook, but she and her telekinetic powers were still pretty terrifying. Spacek nabbed an Oscar nom for her role. Not bad for a then-newbie actress and a horror flick.
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