Much to Marvel's design, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" doesn't look that like a superhero movie. The directors, Anthony and Joe Russo, have gone on record several times, saying that they were inspired by the political thrillers of the 1970s when conceiving the look and feel of the upcoming sequel.
When MTV News caught up with one of the stars of the movie, Anthony Mackie, who plays Falcon, he shared his experiences from the set and explained a few ways that, like its World War II-era hero, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is decidedly old school.
"The Russo, what they did that was so great was, they wanted to stay with live action, which is a dying art form," Mackie said. "If they can build it, they built it. If we could do it, we did it. They wanted to do as little CGI as possible. That's why the movie looks so great."
But not faking sequences, like Falcon's parachute jump out of a plane, put Mackie in more situations where he could potentially get embarrassed. One such occasion found the actor wiggling a little too much for the slow motion camera that was fixed on him.
"The worst experience, they put me up 100 feet in the air and are like 'Okay, you're in a parachute and you jumped out of a plane.' So I'm like, okay, I've jumped out of a plane a few times, so I know when I'm freefalling, I wiggle," he said. "Literally, they put you in slow motion, and you're just wiggling all the way down. Then they're like, 'Don't wiggle.' It's very hard to do real stuff in slow motion and not look weird."
And while a soldier that flies around with bird-like wings might not seem like the most realistic addition to the Captain America universe, Mackie said that the more modern interpretation of the character speaks to how important Falcon has become to Marvel.
"The thing about the Falcon is, he has three different incarnations throughout the course of his comic book life, and we went more with the latter of his story lines than the earlier stuff," he said. "I think Marvel kept introducing him because they realized the value of an African America superhero, and they wanted to get it right. He's more of tactical expert than a birdman from Harlem."
If Mackie plays his cards right and hits the right notes with fans when "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" hits screens in April, he might just find himself with an invite to the big game, something he would have no problem accepting. "When all of the Marvel people come by, tell them that I should be in 'Avengers.' Make it happen," Mackie said. "Get rid of Iron Man. Put me in there."
"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" opens on April 4, 2014.
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