Tuesday, August 13, 2013

'Breaking Bad': Bryan Cranston Gives The Inside Story On The Garage Scene


If you watched the most recent episode of "Breaking Bad" and are familiar with the rest of the series, you know just how intense and perfect that final scene between Walter and Hank in the garage was. It was pure "Breaking Bad" goodness, and it was all directed by Heisenberg himself, Bryan Cranston.

The series' lead actor doubled as director for Season 5 Episode 9, "Blood Money," and MTV News spoke with Cranston at San Diego Comic-Con about a month back to find out just went into making that scene a reality.

Being the nice guy that he is, Cranston gave most of the credit to series creator Vince Gilligan, saying that if the writing is good, the camera places itself.

Check out more of our interview with Bryan Cranston about "Breaking Bad" in the video above!

Tags breaking bad, Bryan Cranston

via http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2013/08/13/breaking-bad-garage-scene/


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