Here's the thing about "Gravity."
Alfonso Cuarón's new movie, by all accounts, is phenomenal. Crowds at Telluride ate it up this week. Raves keep coming in. There will be even more from the Toronto International Film Festival. James Cameron said that it was the best space movie ever made, for Pete's sake.
And now there's a new, full-length trailer to convince you even further that Cuarón has made something truly special with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.
But isn't anyone concerned that if the movie is too good that it might convince a future generation of astronauts to never get up there and space walk, in hopes of avoiding the very circumstance that Bullock's character finds herself in? Won't someone think of the future astronauts! (Oh, that's right. NASA funding isn't a thing. Never mind.)
Check out the latest, fantastic, and slightly spoiler-y trailer for "Gravity" after the jump!
"Gravity" opens in theaters on October 4.
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