Friday, September 6, 2013

'RoboCop' Remake Trailer: Watch Now!

'80s action legend RoboCop is back, but in the new film starring "The Killing" star Joel Kinnaman, he's looking a little more "tactical."

The remake of Paul Verhoeven's 1987 film starring Peter Weller puts Officer Alex Murphy back in action, and, as we can see in the new trailer, the police officer of the future has gotten a few updates.

After a car bomb effectively ends Officer Murphy's life, a robotics specialist played by Michael Keaton offers him and his wife (Abbie Cornish) an option they didn't know existed. Keaton's character is an advocate for a robotic police force, and in order to sway public opinion on the controversial topic, he suggests putting a man in a machine.

Thus, RoboCop is born with the help of a doctor played by Gary Oldman. The new RoboCop comes with a few new toys and a brand-new look like a combination of Christian Bale's Batman and Iron Man.

One of the main conflicts of the new "RoboCop" is what happens to the Alex Murphy that his wife and son used to know. Keaton's robotic expert informs us that RoboCop's actions have only the illusion of free will, something that he evidently fights over the course of the film.

The new "RoboCop" comes to us from director Jos é Padilha, the Brazilian filmmaker who wowed audiences around the world with the intense action of his "Elite Squad" movies. The first footage for "RoboCop" debuted back in July at San Diego Comic-Con, where it featured a more expanded look at the film and the role of Pat Novak, the over-the-top TV host played by Samuel L. Jackson.

"RoboCop" opens in theaters on February 7.



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