How could a documentary about J.D. Salinger (1919-2010), an icon of literature with a lifelong allergy to cliché, compromise,bombast and every type of fame-whoring bullshit, turn the author of The Catcher in the Rye and classic short stories into everything he detested? Ask Shane Salerno, who spent nearly a decade researching his subject and compiling interviews with friends, lovers and literary lions, such as Tom Wolfe and Gore Vidal. Salerno, whose sins against cinema include writing Armageddon for Michael Bay, also has a Salinger book coming out in tandemwith the movie. Make a note. And make sure you bring a barf bag when you watch this doc's tacky re-enactments, hear its cheeseball score and endure literary posturings so florid they'd embarrass the Baz Luhrmann of The Great Gatsby. We learn that Salinger was a reclusive crank with a thing for underage girls, and who married a Nazi official and preferred his characters to his real family. We also learn that five of his books, written in secret, will be published between 2015 and 2020. Can't wait to read them. Can't wait to forget this movie.
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