Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Toronto 2013 Reviews: Who's Already Leading The Oscar Race?

Which movies will be worth your money in the months to come? Which ones will be Oscar-worthy?

In the latest batch of reviews from Toronto International Film Festival, you can read what our friends over at are saying about serious Oscar hopefuls like "August: Osage County" and "Dallas Buyers Club" and also about the new Daniel Radcliffe rom-com, "The F Word."

"August: Osage County"

What You Need To Know: "A family tragedy has brought the Westons together on the sleepy plains of Osage County, Oklahoma. Three daughters return home to tend to their cancerous mother, Violet Weston (Meryl Streep), an emotional and physical wreck, capable of kind words and then brutal diatribes at the flip of a switch. She's addicted to pain pills, and clearly has been for a significant amount of time, which riles her eldest daughter Barbara (Julia Roberts) to no end."

Should You See It?: "There are so many reveals, and loads of twists and turns, but they all end up feeling desperate. While it's a given that families around the world are complex, and capable of massively strange interactions, the only place you'll find a group of people and a set of conflicts like this is in an extremely overwritten movie." — Laremy Legel

"The F Word"

What You Need To Know: "Once upon a time in Toronto, a young man named Wallace (Daniel Radcliffe) met cute with a moon-faced girl named Chantry (Zoe Kazan), which is apparently a name that a girl can have. He is recently heartbroken and spiraling into despair, while she is a rising animator (natch) with an enviable career and a significant other (Rafe Spall plays Ben, Chantry's boyfriend of five years). What begins as a casual game of refrigerator poetry quickly evolves, as if by fate, into the stuff of a most torrid friendship."

Should You See It? "What elevates 'The F Word' from an above-average romantic comedy to a movie worthy of being embraced by a generation of twenty somethings is that Dowse doesn't let his characters off the hook. The film doesn't throw any major curveballs, but it resists caricature whenever possible (Chantry's boyfriend is kinda violent, but he remains pivotally likable), and it forces Wallace and Chantry to confront their selfishness, and eventually consider the dark side of their secret agendas." — David Ehrlich

"Dallas Buyers Club"

What You Need To Know: "We first see him in a dirty, sweaty, hay-strewn pen, fornicating at the rodeo. Matthew McConaughey's Ron Woodroof is living like an animal. By the end of 'Dallas Buyers Club' he will have touched the lives of thousands, using a mix of cunning and strength fueled by self-preservation."

Should You See It? "The specifics of plot (or any formal eccentricity) aren't what's going to stay with you, however. It's all about the performances. McConaughey and Leto don't just give voice to the disenfranchised of the 1980s, but all people suddenly faced with impossible challenges. The fireworks caused by pitting never-say-die Texas bravado against heartlessness is a powerful mix, and 'Dallas Buyers Club' somehow manages to be an inspiring tale amidst all this sadness." — Jordan Hoffman

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"Don Hemingway"

What You Need To Know: "From the very first shot — an extended, foul-mouthed epic poem to the glory of his own sex organ — Jude Law's titular Dom Hemingway exudes the very specific rapscallion charm British bad boys have in spades. But this film, written and directed by Richard Shepard (of 'The Matador' and some of the best episodes of 'Girls') is not just another case of glamorizing an outlaw."

Should You See It? " 'Dom Hemingway' is a success because it finds the balance. No, this isn't the BEST crime movie or the BEST redemption story or even the BEST British character-based comedy. But it is nevertheless a very pleasant combination where all the spokes complement one another. Blending genre is among the most difficult things to do in cinema, and 'Dom Hemingway' makes it look (to quote) easy, peasy lemon squeezy."



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