By Alex Zalben
Is there a point when you're building a 150,000 block replica of the battle of Helm's Deep out of LEGOs that you stop and take stock of your life? Thankfully, whatever was going through Rick-K and Big J's minds when they were building this epic model, they didn't stop until 1,700 mini-figures were ready to do battle for the fate of Middle-Earth:
This isn't the first time LEGO builders have gone above and beyond for the sake of J.R.R. Tolkein's finest creations. Click past the jump to see more!
Previously, we've seen the Tower of Isengard:
Minas Tirith:
Mines of Moria:
(Source: Turn the Right Corner)
...And heck, there's even a character left out of Lord of the Rings, Tom Bombadil:
In fact, the only thing they don't have is LEGOlas:
Never mind.
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