As a telekinetic teen in Kimberly Peirce's remake of the classic 1976 horror film "Carrie," star Chloë Grace Moretz faces her fair share of struggles (not even a battalion of Martha Stewarts could make Carrie's blood-spattered prom dress look new). But her wardrobe woes pale in comparison to the task presented to Moretz during the latest episode of After Hours. Namely, choosing between pop starlets Britney Spears and Rihanna.
But let's step back for a moment. MTV News' Josh Horowitz sat down with the 16-year-old actress for a round of "This or That?" which started off easily enough. Moretz prefers Miley Cyrus over Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling over Justin Timberlake, and One Direction over the Wanted. ("I really like the Wanted's music, but I like the affect of 1D a little bit better," she said by way of explanation.)
After a bit of lusting over Chris Hemsworth and a debate regarding the merits of first-person versus third-person video games, Horowitz finally asked the question that left Moretz stumped (and her entourage gasping and giggling): Britney Spears or Rihanna?
"That's really hard!" Moretz exclaimed.
"Britney's had better albums," she continued, with a grimace. "I'm sorry! I love you, Rihanna. Please don't be mad at me! I love you. I am one of her Navy! I am with Rihanna."
Sorry, Chloë. You can only be drafted once, and you've made your decision! Time to work, bitch.
"Carrie" is in theaters now.
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