Black Canary fans, your time has come. This week's episode of "Arrow," entitled "League of Assassins," revolves around the newest masked vigilante to take to the streets of Starling City: Sarah Lance, a.k.a. the Black Canary. So far this season, all we've really come to know about Sarah is that she somehow managed to survive the wreckage of the Queen's Gambit and is now fully capable of kicking butt and taking names. So how did she learn to fight like that, and where has she been during the past five years?
Regards to Ra's Al Ghul
Things kick off with a huge action sequence in the Queen mansion, as Sarah and Oliver are paid an unexpected visit by an assassin dressed quite similarly to last season's Big Bad, Malcolm Merlyn's Dark Archer. At first, Oliver believes the assassin to be after him, but Sarah soon reveals that he's been sent to retrieve her for League leader Ra's Al Ghul... Dead or alive. With that, we learn that Sarah is a former member of the League of Assassins. She's been trained by the deadliest warriors in the world to murder high-scale diplomats in their sleep, which is also why she's so ashamed of what her family might think of her.
Family Reunion
After the League of Assassins shows up full force in Starling City threatening to kill Sarah's family, Sarah sends Felicity Smoak to warn her father - and Oliver Queen to warn her sister - of the imminent danger. But with Officer Lance ignoring Felicity's advice to skip town, Sarah is forced to reveal herself to her father. During an emotional family reunion, Sarah informs Lance that he's been targeted by the League. Lance then realizes that Sarah is the Black Canary and that she's been back in town for weeks. Lance -- needless to say -- is a little conflicted.
Laurel is a Hot Mess
After the death of her boyfriend, her parent's divorce, and almost being murdered by a serial killer in front of her father earlier this season, Laurel is having a very difficult time coping with her new life as the District Attorney's assistant. When Oliver decides to be a good friend and takes her out to dinner, Laurel purposefully doesn't order any booze to show off how not-an-alcoholic she is... But then inhales half a bottle of prescription drugs as soon as she gets home. Oh, and she tries to kiss Oliver, even though she's also trying to get his mother thrown in jail for life. Luckily, the return of her dead sister should really help her mental state, right? Right?
Paging Doctor Ivo
And then the episode's biggest reveal, at least for DC Comics fans. In flashbacks, we see how Sarah was rescued from drowning - and some thuggish sailors - by a well--spoken man named Doctor Ivo... Who claims that he's going to save the human race. In the comics, Doctor Ivo is best known for creating the androids Amazo and the Red Tornado, and being somewhat totally evil. We've already seen a glimpse of Amazo in a previous episode, so perhaps the good doctor and his android will be playing a much bigger part later this season. Maybe they even have something to do with Sarah taking control of the prison boat and enslaving Oliver Queen, as the episode ends the same place the last one did... With Sarah torturing Oliver.
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