Monday, October 14, 2013

Bacon Now Has It's Own Film Festival


Sundance. Cannes. Toronto. I've been lucky enough to cover all the major film festivals in my tenure at MTV News. But did any of them revolve around a tasty guilty pleasure that makes everything better? I'm waiting for your answer, Robert Redford. Yeah, I didn't think so.

Friends, colleagues, and pork enthusiasts everywhere, let me introduce you to the 2013 International Bacon Film Festival. Yes, the folks over at Hormel Black Label Bacon threw down the gauntlet and aspiring filmmakers have stepped up to the plate. The challenge: create a film that highlights "the exceptional passion people have for bacon and the extent of its influence on culture." The result? 11 finalists chosen from hundreds of submissions that covered every conceivable genre.

Sure it's insane but it's also kind of amazing and cool, no? Just check one of the finalists below to see how the muse that is bacon can provoke artistic awesomeness.

If you're hungry for more (I'm so sorry), just visit the home of the contest here. And if you want to know who the ultimate winner is, just keep an eye out. For on October 17th, I'll be co-hosting the ultimate Bacon Party with "Chopped" judge and chef/restauranteur Chris Santos in New York.

Movies and bacon, all my secret fantasies are coming to life!



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