Hey, everyone! It's Kyle Chandler's 47th birthday today. And like everything about Kyle Chandler, we assume that the same applies for Coach Eric Taylor.
That being the case, happy 47th birthday, Coach Eric Taylor! Since you're one of the greatest television characters of all time, we figured that we would throw you a GIF party.
Click past the jump to let the celebration begin!
You know you're our favorite, right Coach Taylor?
That's why we want to throw you a birthday party.
No need to thank us.
The problem is that we haven't start planning it yet.
Could you just tell us what you'd like?
It's going to be a great party. We promise.
Just trust us.
We'll get you a cake.
All right. Time to plan the party.
Okay, so there's a problem.
So we accidentally ate your birthday cake.
Riggins told us to do it.
And Lance had some too.
Wait, we found another cake.
Tami Taylor came through in the clutch.
Because she's the best too.
And she knows it.
So let's give her a hand.
And you can thank her too, Coach Taylor.

Happy birthday, Coach Taylor Kyle Chandler! Tags Friday Night Lights, Kyle Chandler
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