Friday, September 20, 2013

The Weekend Guide: 'Battle of the Year,' Plus Moves You Haven't Seen Since '84

Battle of the Year

By Amelia Mularz

Fall officially kicks off this weekend, and already you're suffering from a nasty artificial-pumpkin-flavor hangover. Lay off the lattes and watch a movie instead. Here's what's happening:

On the Big Screen: "Battle of the Year"

Can the world be won by poppin' and lockin'? Of all the standoffs we've seen in 2013 — Obama vs. Putin, Obama vs. Syria, Miley Cyrus vs. every mother in America — it turns out the battle of the year takes place on the dance floor, and Sawyer from "Lost" (aka Josh Holloway) assumes the role of fearless leader. Out today, this movie, which also stars Chris Brown, features dance battles on the global level. America has lost its footing in the hip hop world and needs to topple the current leader, Korea. So what's a crew to do? Go hide out in an abandoned juvie facility and practice robot moves until they're blue in the face. Obviously.

On the Boob Tube: "Step Up Revolution"

Part of the "Step Up" series, but post-Channing Tatum (by that time he was onto bigger and better things, e.g. "Magic Mike"), "Step Up Revolution" is about a bunch of kids who take on corporate greed with their dance moves. As we hit the second anniversary of the Occupy Movement, re-watching this flick seems especially timely (catch it on Showtime this Sunday at 12:30pm). Maybe those kids in Zucotti Park should've been using their cardboard boxes for windmills and headspins, and we would've had a better shot at taking down The Man.

From Your DVD Collection: "Breakin'"

Long before any "Step Up" flick, back when Channing Tatum was just toddlin' around in his Huggies, there was Ozone, Turbo, and Poppin' Taco. Released in 1984, "Breakin'" is the original street dance movie. It's got your usual plot (kids just wanna DANCE! and some buzzkill squares are keeping them from doing it), but it's also got Ice-T in his acting debut, and a healthy dose of mops (that's men's crop tops).

Tags Battle of the year



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